Saturday, February 08, 2025
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As a private non-profit organization, the Gabarron Foundation, since it inception more than eighteen years ago, has been developing and carrying out a wide variety of cultural, artistic, and educational programs with the aim of involving the participation of people of all ages.  Such activities include major exhibitions, publishing of researching studies of those exhibitions, workshops, panel discussions…

As director of the QSCAM, I am honored to present to you the Queen Sofia Children’s Art Museum, and to share with you this unique collection. By promoting children’s art, our mission is to defend the rights and welfare of thousand of children suffering injustices, violence and misery caused by the struggles and errors of their elders.

The Gabarron Foundation’s Queen Sofia Children’s Art Museum is named in honor of Her Royal Highness, Queen Sofia, who is entrusted with the role of Honorary President. Thanks to the Queen’s interest, the tenacity of Ms. Isabel Carswell de Sánchez-Bella, President of Amade-España, and their collaboration with the Gabarron Foundation in recent years, a special museum has been created to house this collection, and which also serves as a centre for information, reproduction, studies, and writing, dealing with all aspects of childhood. The Queen Sofia Children’s Art Museum was born out of this successful initiative and mutual co-operation.

Queen Sofia Children’s Art Museum has several objectives: defending children´s rights, promoting the humanities through art, preserving childhood values and all the Solidary activities and commitment with the children in his set across the drawing, the painting and the creativity.

The International Children’s Painting Competition has been celebrated for more than 30 years, involving thousands of children from the five continents shaping their own reality.  All the selected and awarded works have helped to create this international collection that is unique for its origins and for the quality of the works.

These drawings depict families, favorite sports, Christmas, friends, holidays, as well as the future aspirations of the artist.  Artistic creation remains a magical and complex process full of mystery. Since the beginning of time, humans have used art in all its forms as an instrument for pure expression, and for externalizing that which is private and internal.

Queen Sofia Children’s Art Museum is nourished each year by a selection of works from the drawings from the annual drawing competition. These paintings are lasting legacies and treasures for the world of childhood.  The museum consists of not only this collection, but also includes supporting departments that facilitate workshops, medical and psychological studies, conferences, symposia, publications, cultural exchanges for children, public awareness on the shortcomings of children’s rights, collaboration between children to develop group work .... The outreach of the Queen Sofia Children’s Art Museum is universalized through its incorporation into the internet with this new Portal and Virtual Museum.

Rosa Mª Gabarron

Director of the QSCAM

Copyright 2001-2012 · The Gabarron Foundation